Local SEO services

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Local Search Engine Optimisation

What is local SEO and why is it important to target local customers

Whether you’re a butcher, a baker, or a candle-stick maker, whether you have a mom-and-pop shop, a service area business, or a corporation, you need an online presence to attract more customers in a demanding market. That’s a given. 

But if you have a brick-and-mortar store or provide services for customers located in a specific geographical area, building an e-commerce store and optimising it to target local customers is vital for staying competitive, especially in today’s marketing landscape. 

Google encourages local service providers to promote their business to customers located in their proximity and offers them a chance to increase their visibility on searches containing location-related queries. Actually, Google favours them in local search over businesses with a national or global audience. Why wouldn’t you take this opportunity to harvest more business? 

But what exactly does optimising for local search means?

Local search engine optimisation refers to a list of actions SEO masters practice to establish the online presence of a local business, aiming at improving its ranking on Google search by containing location-related keywords, e.g., “pizza delivery Chiswick”. 

Local SEO is a prerequisite for the sustainability of local businesses and their success – from creating a contact page, providing name, address, and phone number (NAP), creating a Google My Business listing page and optimising it, to optimising NAP citations, and devising a local content creation and outreach strategy. 

Why is it important to optimise your website for location specific keywords?

Optimising the site for long-tails and location-related keywords would help Google identify which businesses are both relevant to the search query, and within the proximity of the user to satisfy the searchers’ intent. 

Plus, the focus on local search visibility is akin to the increased mobile usage versus desktop trend, and coherent with Google’s shift to the mobile-first index. 

So next time a potential customer searches on the go “hairdresser near me” or any other location-related query that your business could resolve, you better be ranking for it, else your business will suffer. It is as simple as that! 

Why not find out more? Contact us to get help with your local search visibility! 

Local SEO vs global SEO. What’s the difference in Google’s search results pages?

As a local business, attempting to outrank national and multinational e-commerce giants in Google’s SERP is counterintuitive to your marketing goals. If you optimise your site for the general keywords and broader terms that e-commerce giants are ranking for, your local shop will have no chance of gaining a competitive advantage.

Losing visibility in SERP can only mean losing business. Defeated by the big retailers, you have two options: relying on the brick-and-mortar store sales, or establishing your online presence in local search, attracting more clients. Let’s face it, it’s a no-brainer! 

Open your doors to new business opportunities! Our SEO specialists can help with your local search engine optimisation. 

Do you really need an SEO consultant to rank on local search?

Being internet savvy is not a trend anymore, its becoming second nature. Why would you need an SEO consultant? We all know a bit of everything, how hard can it be to set up a Google My Business, optimise your website, set up social media account and get in touch with your potential customers?  

A DIY approach can only take you so far. If you want your business to have a web presence, get valuable local citations, get more visible online for your target audience, have your web pages listed on top SERP listings to get website traffic from Google, you might want to get your SEO plan sorted out by a marketing agency 

How you promote your business online requires a skilful approach and a thorough understanding of Google’s terms of service and search optimisation best practices. Keyword stuffing, spammy reviews, fake listings, suspicious ads, unusual backlinks can hurt your website terribly, and get you penalised. Would you risk it at the expense of your success? Be the expert in your field, and let SEO specialists take over and help you overcome these challenges! 

We are happy to help. Get in touch! 

What is local PPC advertising, and how can local ads (geo-targeting) increase your conversion rates?

PPC is a fantastic way of targeting the exact sort of customers you need at the exact time and location they need you!

When people in your area run a Google search for your services, your business will directly pop in front of their eyes in the first SERP listings.

The goal is to draw the attention of online searchers in a specific area, satisfying the need for proximity and urgency, depending on the nature of your business.

Keep in mind that over 50% “near me” searches result in physical store visits. Isn’t it convincing enough to start promoting your business locally and generate more walk-ins?

Your efforts will be worthwhile, resulting in increased sales and a boost in reputation because you are there for your customers when they need you the most.

We can work with you to develop a plan for getting the exact sort of business you need – and with great ROI.

Let’s talk about your local PPC campaign!

Local SEO services that attract more local customers

Did you know that 46% of all Google searches contain local queries and 86% of consumers search online to discover local businesses? 

With this perspective in mind, you don’t want to miss the opportunity for your store to show up in the search engine results pages for location-based queries that are relevant to your business. Do you?

That’s what local SEO services can help you accomplish by devising the right marketing strategy, targeting the right audience so your potential customers can easily discover you and choose you over your competitors.

Ranking on local search has a long-lasting effect, transforming new clients into happy returning customers. Be one of the lucky local shops that people will come back to! 

What local SEO services do we provide?

We can provide Search Engine Optimisation in Londonor wherever you are to make sure you’re listed in all the right places: local directories, maps, and other platforms. 

We’ll also make sure your website is optimised so it’s discoverable for locally-focused search terms. This will give you a greater chance of being found in Google Maps, and of showing your business information accurately, ensuring your site is properly registered for local searches. 

Our SEO services are tailored to your needs! Here are a few of the approaches we take to help you establish your reputation on local search: 

  • Devising a personalised local SEO strategy 
  • Setting up and optimising Google My Business profile 
  • Optimising your website’s content for the right keywords 
  • Plan a local PPC strategy taking into consideration your business’ seasonality 
  • Running a local PPC campaign that makes your business stand out in SERP 
  • Setting up a social media advertising campaign to improve UX and increase user engagement 
  • Help with directory listings to expand your audience reach and improve rankings 
  • Writing contentlink building strategy and earning the best backlinks for your business to create awareness and improve visibility in local search

We are the SEO agency your business needs to expand your market share on local search

Our agency is specialised in local search and SEO for local businesses. All our SEO services are carried out in-house at our Hammersmith office in West London, W6. We do not outsource our work. We are a team of about 15 SEO experts, geared towards building our clients’ businesses and brands online.

Are you ready to get more visibility in local search? Get in touch! 

Let Datadial help bring your next project to life, just get in touch today on 0208 6000 500 and ask us about:

  • Developing online software
  • Turning your great online idea into reality
  • Automating existing processes
  • Integrating disparate and legacy systems
  • Building an e-commerce site
  • Designing your website